“Hiding in Plain Sight” at FreedmanArt, New York


October 5

“Hiding in Plain Sight,” an exhibition of objects common, and curious will be on view at FreedmanArt, New York through December 29, 2018. The exhibition explores the transformation of common objects. The works of art have been made of marble, bronze, or oil paint on well-prepared canvases. Modernism turned artists’ attention to fugitive materials.

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Hiding in Plain Sight


FreedmanArt - September 27

FreedmanArt is pleased to present its next exhibition, which explores the transformation of common objects. "Hiding in Plain Sight celebrates the artist's power to transform the ordinary. As revision becomes visionary, art becomes revelatory, and we begin to see common objects as the bearers of previously unimagined possibilities." - Carter Ratcliff

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Joseph Cornell, Pocket Object, 1949-1950; mixed media construction; 3 1/2 x 2 1/4 x 3/4 inches